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  • Sell - Stay - Transition

    Accent Staging is your solution to a better selling price, a beautiful home, organizing your home, or making it easy to down-size or right-size. 

    About Us

In a competitive market you need an edge.

Before putting your house on the market, take the first steps towards success with Accent Staging. Realtors and buyers will be amazed at the transformation, and you'll enjoy the benefits of a faster sale and higher returns.

Staging gives you an advantage

Home Staging

Staging is a 3-step process starting with the consultation, the preparation and showcasing.

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Staging gives value

Colour Consultations

Not sure what colour works to sell, or to stay? Let us assist in choosing your colour palette.

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Staging gets your home sold fast

Aging In Place / Organizing

At Accent Staging we also provide transitional and organizing services.

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Accent Staging: Your Path to An Easy Transition

Creating beautiful and functional spaces for selling or staying.

Accent Staging offers home staging, colour consultations, residential transitions (aging in place) and organizing services. Whether you’re selling or just looking to love your space, we can help.


Marielle Poirier is the owner and Certified Staging Professional™, as well as a Certified Colour Consultant™, Residential Transition Specialist™, Organized Move Specialist™ and Vacation Rental Design Specialist™.


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Get the most value from your home.

Don't leave equity on the table. Home staging is proven to sell your home faster, for more money.

10 Mistakes Homeowners Make in Moncton When Selling Their  House

10 Mistakes Homeowners Make in Moncton When Selling Their House

Posted Nov 22nd, 2023

Enlist the assistance of professionals like a Certified Staging Professional® and a real estate professional with the Real Estate Marketing Specialist™ designation to ensure the maximum selling price of your property with the fewest days on the market.

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A Compelling Case for Home Staging in Moncton

A Compelling Case for Home Staging in Moncton

Posted Nov 22nd, 2023

When faced with the decision to stage your home before listing it for sale, you might find yourself hesitating, questioning the rationale behind investing in a property you're about to leave. However, the outcomes of home staging are indisputable.

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Why Stage to Sell Your House?

Why Stage to Sell Your House?

Posted Nov 22nd, 2023

If you think home staging is a luxury reserved for the affluent, it's essential to reconsider before putting your house on the market in Moncton, New Brunswick or Canada. Neglecting the importance of staging could mean losing out on significant profits when your property sells.

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