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Why Stage to Sell Your House?

Posted Nov 22nd, 2023

staged living room

Why stage to sell your home in Moncton

If you think home staging is a luxury reserved for the affluent, it's essential to reconsider before putting your house on the market in Moncton, New Brunswick or Canada. Neglecting the importance of staging could mean losing out on significant profits when your property sells. Staging has a proven track record of selling houses faster and at higher prices compared to unstaged properties. Consulting with a certified staging professional (CSP) is a wise step—they can provide you with statistics, facts, and effectively prepare your house for the market.

Call a certified home staging professionalSo why stage your home?

The primary reasons to stage your home are clear:

  1. Faster selling time
  2. Increased sale price

How does staging achieve these outcomes? By meeting the desires of potential buyers. Staging presents a move-in-ready home with attractive online listings, allowing prospective buyers to envision themselves living in the space.

Contrary to common misconceptions, staging is not merely decluttering or decorating. Modern buyers seek homes ready for immediate occupancy and are willing to pay a premium for it. Christine Rae, the CEO of CSP International™ Staging Business Training Academy and author of 'Home Staging for Dummies,' emphasizes the cost of not staging, urging sellers to consider the potential consequences.

"Buyers today want move-in ready and are willing to pay for it. They don’t want a 
list of deferred maintenance items without compromising what they are willing to 
pay. Before you say no to staging consider the cost of NOT staging"

Staging is a 3-Step Process.

Staging is a three-step process starting with a thorough real estate property staging consultation. During this step, a CSP® examines the entire property, noting areas that require improvements or enhancements. This process includes evaluating the house's condition, style, and colors to make recommendations aligning with buyers' preferences. The consultation is a comprehensive process taking 2+ hours, and a fee is applicable based on the property size.

The next step involves preparing the house for staging, also known as showcasing in the real estate industry. After the consultation, a Room Ready Handbook™ is provided, guiding you on necessary preparations to maximize your property's value. Your stager may recommend contractors and offer project management services based on their expertise. Your choices from the recommendations will influence your property's sale price.

The final stage is the showcasing of the property, where your stager expects a perfectly cleaned and empty home. The stager and their team will arrange the property for viewing, utilizing existing furniture, bringing in additional items, or a combination of both. The goal is to create a seamless flow through the house, setting the stage for potential buyers to feel at home. Once showcasing is complete, professional photographers capture appealing images for online listings and other advertising platforms.

In summary, if you neglect to stage your property, you risk diminishing its market appeal and potential sale price—essentially, washing money down the drain.